
Marissa is a little bored during a surveillance detail and recruits Bryan into distraction her. She may regret that decision.

Say what.doc
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So I got this email from Kat the other day and I thought I would share it with you guys. It's uncanny how this woman knows me. Then she sends me Tyler's zodiac description....and that one...boy...that one threw me for a loop. He's the Taurus. And yes I snickered when I read "The Tramp". I mean come was so on point. And that part about long relationships...ha! Obviously not all Taurus people are like that. Right? Right?

GEMINI - The Twin

Love is one of a kind.
Great listeners.
Very Good at confusing people.
Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Gemini's will not take any crap from anyone.
Gemini's like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful.
Gemini's can be very sarcastic and childish at times, and are very nosey.
Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. Very forgiving. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. The most irresistable.

TAURUS - The Tramp

Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight.
Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person.
They can be self centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it.
They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!
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Uh oh. Seems like Marissa had a little bit too much to drink. Good thing Tyler is there to rescue her.

This is the first part to a three part story I will be doing for the Christmas Season.

So read and enjoy and don't forget to leave your comments so I will know in what direction to take the parts 2 and 3.
Happy reading!!!

Drunk story.doc
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Hey everybody! Marissa here coming to you live from a crime scene in progress. Well not really in progress.....the suspect was taken into custody over three hours ago. But Bryan and I have been processing the scene for the past two hours;gathering up our evidence and waiting on the CSI team to arrive to get their forensic evidence.

Take a look at the pic below. That's the back of Tyler's head on the right, and that's Hawkins by the door. Don't they look intimidating? Sexy though.

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Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, Bryan and I are waiting on the CSI team. Who at this point is annoying me to no end. Like how hard is it to come pick up some lint, spray some Luminol, collect some fingerprints and swab suspicious spots? Just because they've got a "Dr." in front of their name doesn't make them kings. Grrrrrr.

Bryan is telling me to calm down before we get a reprimand from Burger for unprofessional conduct.
Do I look like I care Bryan? Look at me. Look at me.
I've been in this filthy apartment since eight o' clock this morning. I didn't have time to get any coffee because of the early roll out for the takedown, which also meant that I didn't eat any breakfast either. Plus I think my period's coming because my stomach is cramping and I don't have any painkillers with me.

This day is a day from hell and now the CSI crew is late. I'm not in the mood! Not in the damn mood for this shit today!
They're here?
Well it's about goddamn time!
I think I saw a diner a few blocks down where we can pick up some breakfast before we head back to the office.
Come on Bryan let's get our shit and roll.... what?
They forgot one of their evidence kits and want us to stay here while they go back and get it?

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Okay people I'm here and I'm alive. According to Geisha she thinks that I should come on here from time to time to give you guys "insight" on my life. Ha! Yeah right! As if my life is even exciting. I just spent four hours staking out a suspect's house only to find out that he had gotten arrested the night before and was now holed up at Rikers on armed robbery charges. That's four wasted hours of my life that I could've been doing something meaningful and productive instead of listening to Bryan try to channel his inner Garth Brooks and see if he could implode my eardrums.

Hey! Look down there! It's Marcus! Asshole!
True he's my informal informant, and yes from time to time we talk, and yes he's been over to my house a few times bearing gifts of food when I've come home late and super tired, and maybe I'm beginning to tolerate him to the extent that I don't want to smash his face in with the butt of my gun, but that doesn't change the fact that he's still a cocky bastard and I still hate his guts.

Bryan says that I should have a heart to heart with Marcus and tell him how I really feel. To which I had to remind him that federal agents killing civilians, even drug-dealing ones, do not bode well with the Department of Justice, and I would rather shoot Marcus in the heart. He then suggested I go see the department shrink and enroll myself in Anger Management if that would help.

I think I just need time to get used to Marcus being back in my life. A thousand years should be enough. The good news is by that time I would be dead and hopefully if God comes down to Earth and defeats the Devil and his followers, Marcus would finally be dead too.

Okay, okay I know that was mean, but it kinda slipped out. Really. I swear.

That's enough of my ranting. I'm going to channel this anger into something productive. Like going down to the morgue and id a suspect suspected of being a serial rapist. It seems he picked the wrong woman this time and she sliced his dick opened like a banana. It's a must-see.
Bryan said he's going to stay back in the office and wait until I come back. Something about preserving happy thoughts when it comes to women and his penis. Whatever.

Later peeps!
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So in the latest chapters that I uploaded I introduced a new chracter named Marcus Grant. And since I know how you guys like faces to go with names I now present to you additional eye-candy that make up Marissa's world.

Now I don't know about you guys, but I think Bryan and Tyler has some orgasm competition here.
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Okay it's been long overdue. I know. But finally I have new chapters for you guys. So read and enjoy. Oh! Almost forgot, there is a new character that enters Marissa world. This person lets us into a bit of Marissa's past and will play a big part in her life in chapters and stories to come.

Go read the continuation of the story here:
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Bryan: You alright there partner? You haven't said much since we pulled out of the parking garage twenty minutes ago.

Marissa: I'm fine. Just running some things through my mind.

Bryan: Personal or work-wise?


Bryan: Santoni?

Marissa: *sigh* Why does everything have to be about fucking Santoni? Can't it be about me sometimes? What about my wants and needs?

I'm sick of feeling the way I feel about him, when I know that he couldn't even be bothered because he's all wrapped up in Julie. I'm sick of her too. I'm sick of the both of them. What the hell is so wrong with me that he couldn't have picked me over her?

All he does is waltz in my life and say things that totally contradict what he does and then leaves me to try and figure out what the hell it really is he wants from me. I mean, come on. Would it kill him to be honest just once?

My God! When did I turn into such a pathetic loser that I am sitting here whining about my non-relationship with Tyler? I'm a federal agent for Christ sake. I am respected when I walk into a room. I am feared by criminals when I come after them. Plus I am hot and gorgeous and a very sexual person. I need sex. I need gorilla sex. Hot, sweaty gorilla sexy. I want it. I deserve it. I deserve to have an orgasm.

And I'm not going to reserve that for Santoni. Oh no. The next man I feel even slightly attracted to I'm going to pounce on him. Pounce. I'm not going to put my life on hold waiting for a man who's chosen another woman to fire up his loins. No sirree. I'm going out there and making myself available. Men want me. Men hit on me all the damn time. I am a penis magnet. It's my curse.

: Remind me never to ask you anything before you've had your coffee.
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Okay, so today we had a CSI refresher course. It was alright. It was done in the kitchen of the office. Wait...let me go find a pic to post up so you can better understand the scenario.

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So anyway, today's exercise was "Retrieving Evidence From A Body". Very informative. We learned about hair, fiber, skin and bodily fluids evidence.

That's DeChooch lying down on the floor behind the table, and that's me in the white garbage bag suit with the pair of tweezers in my hand picking up a strand of hair on Choochie's sleeve.

That was no easy task as he keep making faces at me and I kept losing my grip on the hair. And even though I was wearing a mask the instructor knew I was giggling furiously behind it and sternly instructed us to focus at the serious matter at hand as it can make or break our cases.
Damn Choochie!

Anyway, the scenario was that he supposedly died of natural causes, but there could've been a possiblility that he was poisoned (the plate and cup nearby).
An autopsy would have to solve that mystery, but for now our job was to recover physical eveidence from the crime scene to build out case on. Not an easy task when something like this happens in a heavy traffic area like a workplace kitchen.

The kitchen looks great though. Most days it looks like kindergarteners live in there, but I guess for this morning's exercise they wanted to make an impression.
I'll give it until 4pm before it looks like it usually does. That's why I eat my lunch at my desk.
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Wow! This blog has improved since I was last here. Impressive.
Ohmigod! Is that my IM with Bryan below? How embarrassing. Is nothing scared anymore?

Anyway, Bryan and I have been away on training in Virginia. Every year we have to sharpen out tactical skills, so we go to Quantico and get put through the paces all over again.
I swear the training has gotten harder from since the last time I was there. I still have rope burns on my hands from trying to climb up that damn vertical wall. Who in the hell other than Wonder Woman could scale up that wall in two minutes? That thing was like trying to climb up Mt. Everest. Of course Bryan did it in 1 minute and 35 seconds. I hate him.

Then we had Ammunitions Training. Now I can shoot with the best of them, but this training range was ridiculous. Are paper targets supposed to be so small? What ever happened to the full body target? I have a pic. Take a look:

What the hell are those bottle pictures about? It was like being out in the old West when they did target practice using bottles. That's Bryan third from the left. I swear that man lives for shooting people. It was like he was back to his old mercenary ways. Eyes focused and squinty, face a blank mask, body posture rigid.

Meanwhile I was struggling to carry the fifty pounds on my back while trying to control the kick-back on my MP-5. No easy task I tell you. It would've been easier trying to tackle a 250lb. guy while trying to eat ice cream on a cone than trying to carry all that shit around in 95 degree weather. My hair was soaking and plastered to my head when I took my helmet off. As if I ever had good hair karma right?

But I did get good marks on everything I did. As Bryan had told me as I was about to give up after shimmying in the dirt crawling under wires all day: "The pain and frustration you're feeling now is nothing compared to when you're out on the streets with a bullet in your gut and fifteen bad guys shooting at you."

That right there was enough motivation for me. Having been shot I know that the reality of that pain is nothing to joke about.

But now we're back in the office. I have my Dunkin Donuts coffee in my hand and a croissant on my desk. There's no heat, dirt, water, mosquitoes, bunk beds, trainers yelling in your ear or five mile runs at 6am. Life is good.
Okay wait. Hold that thought. I see Tyler making his way over to my desk. Damn.
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So people thought the email addresses to the characters were fake. Hmmm....

Guess again peeps. Look at what Nic got!

Hi Ms. T,
I finally get to hear from you. I must say I was flattered when Geisha told me of your interest in contacting was a very nice surprise.
She also told me you are a writer, and not to be too forward, but I think women who write have an extra special something.

Geisha has also given me your blog address so I will check that out in the future.

Anyway, I'm off. Marissa is reading this over my shoulder and snickering. She's so rude. I hope to hear from you again.

S.A. Bryan Anderson

nicbeast wrote:

Hello Bryan,
I hope this email finds you well. Please be safe and am looking forward to hearing from you.

Ms. T
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###-##-####: Hey Carter. You there?

MC204: What?

###-##-####: Got some I'm sure you're gonna want to hear.

MC204: Really? What? You found our bank robbery suspect?

###-##-####: No. Seems like Tyler's been ring shopping with Julie.

###-##-####: Frank saw them at a jewelry store on 47th yesterday.

MC204: Ring shopping? Tyler? Yeah right!

MC204: He doesn't do commitment. Frank was mistaken.

###-##-####: Don't think so. Maybe he does now.
Maybe you should ask him about it.

MC204: That's a lot of maybes.

MC204: I'm a little busy right now partner. You know? Like trying to find some bad
guys. They don't just bring themselves in you know?

###-##-####: Uh huh. Going the "no comment" route huh? :)

MC204: Don't you have more important things to do? Like coming and help me go
through some DNA reports?

###-##-####: It's Saturday

###-##-####: And unlike your workaholic ass some of us like to take advantage of out
days off

MC204: I am not a workaholic

###-##-####: Then what the hell are you doing at the office at 11:06 on Saturday

MC204: None of your damn business

###-##-####: Thought so

###-##-####: Close the folder Carter. Turn off the computer and make your way very
slowly to the elevator

MC204: I've got things to do. Like writing up the report on the Jace Jones bank robbery last week

###-##-####: We did that report last night

MC204: I'm checking it over. Don't want Burger on our ass for doing sloppy work

###-##-####: Uh huh.

###-##-####: Wait a minute. You're afraid to be alone aren't you?

###-##-####: What's the matter? Smutty Tyler thoughts pop up in your head the minute you're alone?

MC204: Shut up Anderson. Santoni and I have a work relationship. That's all.

###-##-####: Right. And I suppose last week when we came back to the office
after that shoot out with Jones at the bank he pulled you behind the SWAT
truck in the garage to console you right?

MC204: Shootouts freak me out. You know this. He was just making sure my mental
was alright.

###-##-####: Is that what you're calling your vagina now? Mental? Lol

MC204: Grrrrr
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Because of the frenzy that was created when I posted Bryan's "email address" the other day and I got a lot of distraught women threatening to take my laptop and doing vile and un-godly things to me with it, I went above and beyond the call of duty(well that and the fact that I was afraid for my life),and managed to get the REAL email addresses for Bryan, Marissa and Tyler.

Here they are:

I was assured that these are their real email addresses and that if you send them mesages they will respond as soon as they can.

Also be be advised that I will be posting the emails and responses on the blogs, so try and keep the emails porno free people.

I can just hear Nic sqeeing at the top of her lungs now.
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I've just gotten word from Marissa that Tyler has gotten a tattoo. Yes you read right. A tattoo.

Why would he tamper with perfection? I have no idea.

Marissa being as resourceful as she is managed to sneak into the locker room and take a pic of it for us. Check it out.

Be warned ladies, your vagina might combust.

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Here's a picure of the Hawkins and Newton outside Martin Shaw's home after the raid. I was somewhere along the sidelines trying to wash most of the mud off of my gear.

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*Looks around blog*

Hmmm...doesn't seem as scary and vile like I thought it would be.

*Puts gun away*

Hi everyone. Seeing as this blog is about me and my life I thought I would check in and make sure everything is as it should be, and I wouldn't have to get any search warrants or court orders for seizure. But so far I kinda like it.
Hey! It even has music on here. Cool!

Oh my God! Shelly's on here too.

*Looks at pic of Tyler*
*Shakes head*
Why does he always have to look so damn cute all of the time? Damn him!
Sorry. Had a momentary lapse of judgement there. Won't happen again.
*Yeah right*

Hey! Look at Bryan's pic. Such a cutie. He's just as cute in person too ladies(if you were wondering. And he smells so good all of the time). And you didn't here this from me but he's not seeing anyone right now, so any of you interested can email him at
*Laughing to herself*
This is going to be so much fun.

Anyway, I gotta run. Gonna go poke around with Bryan at a warehouse in Queens. Seems like the owner has a thing for hoarding guns and ammo in his shipments of carpets. He better hope no MP5's fall on my foot when I ask to inspect his collection of jute rugs. Later peeps!

Oh wait! I have a couple of pictures for you guys. They were taken the day after we intercepted the ship with the container of Peng's human cargo. Bryan took the pics as I was back at the office getting chewed out by Burger for my little Wonder Woman stunt I pulled. Whatever! I saved a mother and her baby and that's all that mattered to me.

I got a week of administrative duty though. Which sucked as I missed out on the raid on Peng's store where they seized $200,000 in cash from a secret hidden room behind the register area and also found a printing press and computer software used to make fake documents for the people she smuggled into the country. The raid was all over the news afterwards and they kept showing the images of Hawkins and DeChooch leading a handcuffed Peng away. You know those two smug bastards loved every minute of it. They even posted up the newspaper article with the picture all over the office and the kitchen area.

Anyway, Bryan's paging me like crazy. I'm gone.
Enjoy the pics!

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How I wish I had a partner like this *swoon*

Damn that Marissa and her luck!

Why does she always get to have all the fine men?


Nic is so gonna pass out when she sees this pic. *snicker*
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The sequel to Flutter is up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Does a happy funky chicken dance*
Yes my pretties, go read, read, READ!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the link:

FBI special agent Marissa Carter is back in this action filled sequel to Flutter. Armed with a new attitude and a new mystery man she's taking on crime in New York City in ways that's going to shock even the laid back FBI SWAT team captain Tyler Santoni Jr. Will she be tough enough to handle the unexpected situations in both her personal and professional life, or will the pressure to perform stop this talented agent in her tracks? Find out in this new novel from the captivating author Geisha.
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This is a late addition to the Marissa photos

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Somebody arrest me, cause I'm about to perform a lewd act to this pic.

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Ok that is just scary. How does she even keep track of suspects and witnesses? It's a good thing she has Bryan to help her sort through that mess.....I hope.
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Rookie special agent Marissa Carter loves her job with the FBI in the New York Office. Together with her partner Danny Moyner they take on the streets of New York City.

There are a few quirks along the way. The first is the fact that her boyfriend, special agent Michael Brown wants to settle down and get married right when Marissa is in a place in her life that's the most exciting.
The second is her growing attraction to the FBI's SWAT Team bad boy Tyler Santoni Jr.

Tyler is very aware of the sexual tension between him and Marissa. A fact that he's been trying to ignore.

Having been hurt in the past Tyler is not interested in starting a relationship with Marissa as he knows she is the one person who can damage the heart he has so carefully reconstructed.

Can Tyler lower his defences and give Marissa a chance to love him? Or will he jeopardize the one good thing he has going in his life?

Read story here: Flutter.doc
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