
It's Marissa's birthday and the guys want to do something special for her. But will their good intentions be marred by unforeseen events no one but Marissa has control over?

Rated R for smut content and F for a fun read.
Make A Wish.doc
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Today is Marissa's 33rd birthday, and even though I know she's going to kill me for shouting her out like this, I really couldn't care less.

I tried calling her to sing the "Happy Birthday" song to her, but I kept getting her voice mail. Let's hope the reason for that was because she was getting some birthday loving(wink, wink).

Hope you have a really great day Mari. You deserve it. And please try not to work late tonight. Go out and have some fun.
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Tired, hungry and in no mood to be cordial, how will Marissa deal with a late night visitor? Especially ones bearing "presents".

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